École Internationale PACA Manosque

Foire aux questions sur l’admission au secondaire

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FAQs/Frequently Asked questions « Secondary Admissions at EI-PACA »


1- How is the ITER project related to the International School EI-PACA?

2- What courses are offered at EIPACA ?

3-  My child would like to be schooled at EI-PACA International School, how to enroll him/her?

4- Do you organise a presentation/information meeting or Open Day?

5- My child would like to join the EI-PACA High School. In view of the new « Education Nationale Française » BAC 2021, what are the options / specialties offered in International Schooling?

6- My child’s class does not appear in the Rectorate Circular’s list of open classes for the start of the next school year. Can my child still apply?

7- Can I register my child to take the admission test in more than one language section?

8.  What level of language (section) is expected for my child’s file to be invited to the admission tests?

9- How to prepare for the Secondary School Entrance Tests – General Conditions for the Section Language Evaluation Tests ?

10- Is it possible to sit the Admission tests in another exam center than EI-PACA ?

11- I could not register my child on time on your server in order to receive his admission file. Do I have a recourse?

12- What is the process of the Admission Tests ?

13- My child is invited to take the tests but he will not be able to go to EI-PACA for the date of the invitation.

14- How are the admission Tests carried out ?

15- When are parents informed of their child’s admission?

16- What is the registration period?

17- My child, who is currently enrolled in the Aix-Marseille academy, is admitted to EI-PACA at the next start of the school year; how to manage his assignment?

18- I would like my child to go to boarding school. What is the process for admission to the EI-PACA boarding school?

19- What is the school day schedule at the Secondary School?

20- Where and when do Secondary School pupils eat their lunch?

21- What school transport is available for EI-PACA?

22- What is the school calendar for EI-PACA?










1-  How is the ITER project related to the International School EI-PACA?

The ITER International Agreement was signed by the parties at the Elysée Palace in Paris on 21 November 2006. Since, the partner countries provide, for several decades, a resident international team of approximately 1000 researchers and technicians, with contracts averaging five years in duration, whose presence generates specific schooling needs.

Since its opening in September 2007, virtually all the children of ITER families (one of the parents works for the ITER project either through IO or an accredited agencies), and many local pupils of both European and non-European nationalities have attended the EI-PACA International School, which provides a bilingual curriculum. The school’s pedagogical structure currently comprises six section languages (Chinese, English, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish), operating on the principle of parity (French language/section language). Furthermore, from the “College” level (Junior High School), the English speakers students can be enrolled in the English section of European Teaching, where the courses are taught in English at 80%.


                2- What courses are offered at EIPACA?
                At Lower (Collège) and Higher (Lycée) Secondary School, EIPACA offers the following schoolings:

                A) International schooling where students are prepared for:

                – for DNB International: 3ème Class (late Collège) – 4 written tests including 2 to 3 in language section and 2 additional oral tests for the international mention;
                – in Terminale Class (end of high school) for:

                o the French Baccalaureate with international option (OIB  British , Chinese, Italian, Japanese) with specific examinations in language section

                o Binational baccalaureates: ABIBAC & BACHIBAC with specific examinations in language section

                The courses are bilingual, taught in French and in the chosen section language (British, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese). These programs are supervised by the French Ministère of Education Nationale (http://www.education.gouv.fr/cid20999/l-option-internationale-du-baccalaureat-o.i.b.html). In this curriculum, courses in History / Geography, as well as Literature courses are taught entirely in the language of  the section. The only difference with other schools offering this teaching is that Mathematics courses (British, Spanish, Italian, Chinese sections) or Biology courses (German section) are also taught in the language of the section at EIPACA.   In addition, the pupils of the German section take the ABIBAC exams, and those of the Spanish section, the BACHIBAC exams, and thus obtain a Bi-National diploma. The baccalaureate graduates of the other sections (British, Italian, Chinese, Japanese) obtain the Bac with the OIB mention (Option Internationale du Bac). All these Baccalaureates  are graded at 50% continuous assessment over the last two year s and at 50% in final assessment  with 3 written exams and 1 oral exam.

                B) The European School where pupils are prepared for the European Baccalaureate. This schooling is offered at EIPACA in Secondary, only for English-speaking students where, on average, 80% of courses are taught in English. These programmes are supervised by the Office of the Secretary General of the European Schools (https://www.eursc.eu) and our school is an Accredited European School (not a European Section as in French “Education Nationale” schools). Language 1 is English and Language 2 is French. The European Baccalaureate is composed of 50% continuous assessment during the final year and 50% final exams at the end of S7 (equivalent to Terminale), with 5 written exams and 3 oral exams.

                These two Baccalaureate diplomas are equally recognised in France and internationally.

                3. My child would like to be schooled at EI-PACA International School, how to enroll him/her?

                Thank you for your interest in our establishment. EI-PACA is a state school, yet its particular configuration infers that the requirements for admission are very specific and not systematic.

                Again, and due to the setup of EI-PACA, ITER families may enrol their children all around the year, and according to their arrivals in France. In coordination with the ITER HR Department, they are invited to contact the Schooling Secondary Secretariat. Once the complete admission file has been provided, the children of the « ITER families » are always invited to the tests, which does not prefigure their definitive admission.

                For non-ITER families who are unable to produce a Right Holder ITER Certificate, an annual admission campaign is organised at the beginning of each calendar year (please beware that there is only a month to obtain the pre-admission file on our website, generally from the end of January).  

                During the admission campaign (5th February – 2nd March to get a file in 2020), here is the link that will allow you to read the Circular and obtain a pre-admission file: https://ecoleinternationalepaca.fr/admissions/

                For your information, this link remains accessible throughout the year until the publication of the new circular (opening of the new admission campaign). We draw your attention to the fact that the list of classes / language sections open is not necessarily the same from year year to another.


                During the admission campaign, each complete application for admission received is examined by the relevant Linguistic Pedagogical Commission (the one requested in the dossier). Any incomplete application will not be looked at.

                Uninvited candidates to the admission tests (please see § 11) have no recourse, and the secretariat will not necessarily have the means to inform/respond to requests for explanations.

                EI-PACA is a state school, therefore only students resident on French territory can be enrolled there; no derogation is possible. Furthermore, given the French school map organisation (sectorisation Education Nationale), a child of whom at least one of the parents does not live in the « Provence Alpes Côtes d’Azur » region, cannot be educated in our school, unless an exemption is requested from the rectorate of the « Aix-Marseille » Academy and presented to us with your child’s file. The boarding school is reserved for high school students (see §17).

                4Do you organise a presentation/information meeting or Open Day?

                We do not organise open days, but in 2020, we held virtual information meetings, organised by liguistic section. We will communicate about this matter via our website.
                For students enrolled in EI-PACA, new families are offered a visit on pre-school day.







                5. My child would like to join the EI-PACA High School. In view of the new « Education Nationale Française » BAC 2021, what are the options / specialties offered in International Schooling?

                “SECONDE” CLASS

                In addition to the LVA (section language) and the LVB (German or Spanish for the British English OIB section, English for the other sections), POSSIBLE CHOICE OF AN OPTION (only one choice possible)
                – LVC: Chinese, Japanese, or Russian
                – Theater


                The following links inform you (in French) about the terms and conditions of the new Bac 2021: https://eduscol.education.fr/750/baccalaureat-general




                “PREMIÈRE” CLASS

                In addition to the core curriculum,

                LIST OF SPECIALTIES offered: Mathematics, Physics/Chemistry, Humanities Literature and Philosophy (HLP), Digital and Computer Sciences (NSI), History, Geography, Geopolitics and Political Sciences (HGGSP).

                Choice of 3 Specialties of 5 class periods per week each.One Specialty will be dropped out when entering Terminale class.


                Optional options: Theater, LVC (Chinese, Japanese, or Russian).

                “TERMINALE” CLASS

                In addition to the core curriculum,

                LIST OF SPECIALTIES offered: Mathematics, Physics/Chemistry, Humanities Literature and Philosophy (HLP), Digital and Computer Sciences (NSI), History, Geography, Geopolitics and Political Sciences (HGGSP).

                Choice of 2 Specialties of 7 class periods per week each; one of the three Specialties taken in Première class  has been dropped out when entering Terminale class.


                Optional options: Complementary Maths (if Maths has been dropped as a Specialty), High Level Maths (if Maths is taken as a Specialty), Theater, LVC (Chinese, Japanese, or Russian).








                6. My child’s class does not appear in the Rectorate Circular’s list of open classes for the start of the next school year. Can my child still apply?

                We are sorry, your application will not be processed, and given the large number of files received, we cannot guarantee a response to notify you of this.

                Classes of Terminale and S7 are always closed to admissions, except if there is a continuation of studies either in International education (OIB, Abibac, Bachibac) or in European schooling (European Schools network – https://www.eursc.eu/en/). In this case, Please send an explanatory and detailed message email to admission2d.EI-PACA@ac-aix-marseille.fr. Applications files are then studied on a had-hoc basis.



                7. Can I register my child to take the admission test in more than one language section?

                Sorry, No. It is compulsory to choose only one linguistic section, moreover, all the tests taking place the same day at the same time, it would therefore be physically impossible to take part in two tests at the same time. However, regarding the English Section, and provided that the corresponding classes of the same level are open, it is possible to apply for the “OIB English” class and for the “European” class of the same level (e.g. 6th / S1). You must then apply twice, and provide only the documents requested once, specifying in comments, that the 2 files are linked.


                8.  What level of language (section) is expected for my child’s file to be invited to the admission tests?

                The expected language level is at least “B2/C1” of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_European_Framework_of_Reference_for_Languages).

                However, this recommendation is given as an indication only. Indeed, as the number of places is limited, admission also depends on the level of the other candidates for a given admission campaign.

                OIB (Anglais-Chinois-Italien-Japonais)/Cursus Bi-Nationaux (Abibac-Bachibac): Since the School has been setup for students who are already perfectly bilingual French/section language (which is different from a language school where English is learned/acquired in order to move towards bilingualism), an extremely high level of proficiency is required.

                The European School is aimed at native English speakers; for non-English speakers, students must already be fully bilingual to join this schooling (which differs from a language school where English is learned / acquired to progress towards bilingualism), and an almost perfect level of competence is required. Therefore, the expected language level is C1 + at least (reminder, at EI-PACA, this education is only offered with Language 1 “English” and Language 2 “French »).

                In addition, at Lycée level (High School), the admissions committee may ask a candidate to also take a test in French, both written and oral. Indeed, both BAC (International and European) require a proficient level of French: ideally C1 at least from Seconde Class and followings, and B2 for S5, C1 for S6/S7 classes.


                9.  How to prepare for the Secondary School Entrance Tests – General Conditions for the Section Language Evaluation Tests?

                The purpose of these tests is to assess the language level of candidates to ensure that they have the level required to acquire new knowledge without being hindered by the acquisition of the language itself.

                Although it is our school’s rule not to publish a yearbook to avoid the risk of cramming or having too narrow a view of the requirements, we hope that the following points will be useful for teachers, parents and students.


                1) The written component of the test (1h30 minutes) is designed to assess written comprehension and expression.

                a) Reading comprehension: questions following a text. No particular knowledge of a subject is expected but rather the ability to understand a text and express a point of view.

                b) Written Expression: a short essay on a prompt in which the candidate is asked to write on a topical or general subject for which no particular knowledge is required. Rather, it is about expressing one’s point of view and demonstrating one’s ability in written language.


                2) The oral component of the test (10 to 20 minutes) is designed to assess oral comprehension, expression and interaction.

                It may take the form of an informal discussion with the examiner based on a visual prompt and/or the candidate’s background, or an informal conversation about an iconographic or other document and/or the candidate’s interests.


                Some preparation tips

                – Candidates should practise expressing themselves at some length, both orally and in writing. They must show some linguistic competence in presenting their point of view. Candidates should be able to express themselves at some length (beyond a single sentence) both orally and in writing.

                – Ideally, candidates should explore a much wider range of vocabulary than that of a simple textbook. They need to regularly read magazines and books in the language they are applying for in order to broaden their linguistic and cultural horizons.

                – Candidates will endeavour to practise the language of their test as often as possible, by listening to radio programmes or podcasts, or watching films in original version.


                To summarise

                These tests are similar to a competition in that admission is subject not only to language level but also to the number of places allocated for a given year/class/language section. As an indication, the CEFR level:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_European_Framework_of_Reference_for_Languages) required, except for the bi-national ABIBAC and BACHIBAC curriculum, is :

                – for the 6ème/5ème/4ème classes: Level B1 minimum

                – for 3ème and Seconde year classe: Level B2 minimum

                – from Première class onwards: Level C1 minimum

                Candidates wishing to join the European School (English-speaking only) must be bilingual.

                From the Seconde class onwards, the Admissions Committee may also request a test in French.

                For more information, please refer to the Admission page of each Language section:

                Admission to the German Section – International Secondary Education

                Admission to the English Section – International Secondary Education

                Admission to the Chinese Section – International Secondary Education

                Admission to the Spanish Section – International Secondary Education

                Admission to the Italian Section – International Secondary Education

                Admission to the Japanese Section – International Secondary Education

                Admission to the European School – Anglophone (English L1, French L2)







                10.  Is it possible to sit the Admission tests in another exam center than EI-PACA?

                Sorry, No, the tests can only take place in our school. If it has not been possible to carry out written tests and oral tests on the same day, the only possible exception is that the oral test can be taken by visioconference.








                11. I could not register my child on time on your server in order to receive his admission file. Do I have a recourse?

                Unfortunately are not in a position to extend the admission campaign. Being bound by a very tight schedule (analysis of application, selection, tests, assessments, validation by the educational administration, communication of results, registrations …), we have to be very strict regard to the schedule and fair to all candidates.



                12. What is the process of the Admission Tests?

                For the linguistic section requested, the candidates whose applications have been selected will be invited to the written test (duration 1h30 – written test assessment on the language level on comprehension and expression). Applicants who have successfully passed the written test are subsequently invited to an oral examination (duration 15/20 minutes – oral language assessment on comprehension and expression).

                A candidate not invited to the tests will be notified and will have no recourse.


                13. My child is invited to take the tests but he will not be able to go to EI-PACA for the date of the invitation.

                Looking at the calendar of the admission campaign, you will be able to anticipate a possible absence and mention it in the Pre-Admission file of your child. Hence, the admissions educational team can take it into account.
                For the invited candidates who can prove a duly justified reason (school trip, test in another establishment, illness, etc.), we organise a 2nd date for the written tests. If your child at the end of his/her written test, is invited to the oral test but is unable to sit it, either you know it in advance and you will have specified it in the admission file (s.he can then take his.her oral test following the written test), otherwise we will try to organise a 2nd date for your oral test or it will be done via visioconference.
                Please note that for possible 2nd sessions (one for writing and one for oral), only one other date is offered.







                14. How are the admission Tests carried out?

                The candidates are invited at the latest one week before the tests. They must present themselves, with their invitation and an identity document:

                –          for the written test: at the gate of our school, 30 minutes before the time of their test;

                –          for the oral test: unless otherwise stated, at the reception of our school, 15 minutes before their test.
                Parents are not accepted in our establishment; however, at Collège level, and for individual orals only, they may wait at the school reception.



                15. When are parents informed of their child’s admission?

                Students are admitted based on their test results, and places available for the requested open Class/Section.

                At the end of the test sessions (written and oral), the admissions committee assesses the results, and for eligible candidates, a classification is established for each open Class/Section. A candidate who does not have the required level of language will not be declared eligible.

                Eligible students whose rank is less than or equal to the number of free places are offered a place. Eligible students whose rank is greater than the number of available places will be notified that their candidacies are on the additional list, and, in the event of the withdrawal of an admitted candidate, will be notified, according to their rank until during the autumn holidays. Beyond this period, a student not holding an ITER right holder certificate may be admitted to the EI-PACA.

                Admission decisions are communicated in accordance with the timetable specified in the Circular, which is also indicated on our site.

                For Lycée (High school) students from the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region whose residence makes boarding accommodation necessary, final admission is subject to the number of places available at the boarding school.


                16. What is the registration period?

                The registration period follows the admission period. The families of applicants who have passed the admission tests receive an e-mail message offering them a place for their child. If they accept, they will receive the registration package for their child, usually in mid-June.

                17. My child, who is currently enrolled in the Aix-Marseille academy, is admitted to EI-PACA at the next start of the school year; how to manage his assignment?

                Admitted pupils in 6ème, Seconde or Première who are enrolled in the Aix-Marseille academy during the current school year must make their admission request using the AFFELNET application. For pupils enrolled in CM2, it is down to the primary school to this assignment; for the other two classes, it is down to the families. The choice of EI-PACA must be placed first in order to allow the assignment. Pupils at other levels do not have to take any particular steps, except to deregister from their former school and register with EI-PACA.







                18. I would like my child to go to boarding school. What is the process for admission to the EI-PACA boarding school?

                Our boarding school is very small and welcomes only Lycée (High school) students (Seconde/S5, Première/S6 and Terminale/S7).

                Once your child is eligible for EI-PACA, you confirm your wish for boarding school in his/her enrolment file (you will have already mentioned it in his/her admission file).

                Reminder of the Circular: For students from the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region whose residence requires boarding accommodation, final admission is subject to the number of places available at the boarding school.


                A committee meets, usually in the second half of June, to allocate the places, with the following criteria:

                – Priority is given to new students in Seconde,

                – distance from parental home (this criterion is relative as it varies each year, depending on the candidate)

                – accessibility to Transport


                The boarding school is open from Monday morning 7.45am to Friday evening 6pm, without any exceptions, and closed during all school holidays.

                The financial aspects are managed by the Secondary Secretariat stewardship (Secrétariat Intendance Secondaire).



                19. What is the school day schedule at the Secondary School?

                The school opens its doors at 7.45 am and closes at 6 pm, Monday to Friday. The study room (Permanence) for middle school students (collégiens) is open from 7.55 am to 11.30 am and from 12.57 pm to 5.10 pm.

                The range of classes for middle (collégiens) and high school (lycéens) students varies from 7.55 am to 5.58 pm.

                The duration of a lesson (or period) is 45 minutes.

                In the morning a student can have up to 5 periods of lessons (7.55am to 12.02pm with a break after the 3rd period), and up to 6 in the afternoon (12.57pm to 5.58pm with a break after the 3rd period).

                As much as possible, the timetable for 6ème/S1, 5ème/S2 4ème/S3 ends at 17.10 at the latest.

                The Lunch break starts when students have finished their morning classes, either from 11:30am or 12.02 p.m.; it ends at 12.57 p.m.

                There are no classes on Wednesday afternoons. However, secondary school students, from classes Seconde/S5 upwards, can have classes on Wednesday afternoon.







                20. Where and when do Secondary School pupils eat their lunch?

                Pupils may sign up at the canteen (self-service formula) between 1 and 5 days a week for taking their lunch between 11.30 and 12.50 am. A rotation is established between classes and levels. Pupils may take a hot meal there. Except in the case of special medical conditions validated with the school’s administrative and medical services, it is not permitted to bring their own lunch.

                Meals are paid for by a quarterly or annual subscription system. A canteen card is distributed to each half-board and boarding student. It is the Secondary School Stewardship Secretariat (Secrétarait Intendance Secondaire) that manages all the financial aspects of schooling for the Secondary School. There is one dedicated to the Primary School.








                21. What school transport is available for EI-PACA ?

                The city of Manosque has a bus network combined with the one of the community of municipalities (DLVA) and we invite you to visit to the community of municipalities transportation website at https://mobilite.dlva.fr/

                Bus stops for the school are either  » Ecole Internationale  » (drop off in front of the school portal), or « Lycée des Iscles » (10 minutes walk).

                The SNCF train station is about a 20 minute walk away, and the Bus station is also 20 minutes away.
                The School is not responsible for bus timetables and has no power to change them

                22. What is the school calendar for EI-PACA?

                Regarding the administrative organisation of the school calendar, metropolitan France has 3 zones, A, B & C. The EI-PACA located in Manosque (04100) belongs to zone B.
                Here is the link to the National Education site which will allow you to find the school calendars :


                The school year at EI-PACA is organised in 2 semesters (September/January and February/June).