École Internationale PACA Manosque

Careers Guidance European School Manosque

Primary to Secondary Transition

We understand that whether moving from the primary school on the premises or from other external primary schools from around the world to the European School of Manosque can be a daunting prospect. Our aim is to make this transition as smooth and stress-free as possible for both the students and their families.
The aim of the S1 Teaching Team is to provide a successful transition and to ensure a safe, enjoyable, academic environment. We quickly get to know each student: their talents, hopes, successes and concerns. In partnership with parents and guardians, we work to foster a sense of respect and responsibility in our students to empower them with the skills and confidence that they need to succeed in The European School.

Please see the specific page on transition to the secondary school for more details:  Transition to Secondary School

Observation Cycle S1-S2-S3

An explanation is given to the S3 students in class about the S4-S5 cycle and options choices, as well as the implications these would have for the Baccalaureate cycle and beyond. Parents are sent an explanatory letter, and asked to make their choices electronically.

S3 options letter
Options info meeting 2020-2021

Pre-orientation Cycle S4-S5

An explanation is given to the S4 students in class about the choices and implications of their choice for the Mathematics group in S5, including the implications for further study after the baccalaureate.   Advice is given by the mathematics teacher. Parents are sent an explanatory letter, and asked to make their choices electronically.

S4 options letter

Students in S5 have classes in decision making, as well as an explanation about how the European Baccalaureate works, and the options choices available to them during orientation lessons. (lessons added to the timetable)
S5 parents attend an information evening with explanations of the same topics and an opportunity to ask questions.
In previous years, the S5 students have additionally been sent the options brochure , and they have the opportunity to speak to the baccalaureate cycle teachers via the medium of class presentations.
Due to the complexity of the timetabling at the International School in Manosque, and the shared resources, students are asked to make choices from a menu, specially designed based on previous statistics of choices.  We try to meet the needs of every student, based on what we can timetable and look at each individual case closely, including meeting with students and parents to discuss.
Students make their choices in February, and then are asked to confirm their choices in June as we know that some students change their minds over the school year and based on their final results at the end of S5.
The S6 class are given a week at the beginning of S6 to consider their options choices and to meet with the Director of Studies if they decide to make a change.  This is always in conjunction with feasibility of the timetable.

Options info meeting 2021-2022 parents
Options Presentations complete

Observation Cycle S6-S7

Students in S6 and S7 have 1 period per week added to their timetable for orientation.

In S6, students learn where to find information, as well as working on recognising their skills and aptitudes, and eventually writing a first draft of a motivation letter.
At the end of S6, the exams choices for the European Baccalaureate are explained, and students encouraged to speak to their parents and teachers to decide on the most appropriate choices for them.  They must consider any specific requirements for university applications, but ultimately choose the best combination for them in terms of written and oral exams.

Motivation letter_Template
European Bac Information EIPACA Manosque

In S7, the focus is more on individual applications to universities around the world, with individual appointments encouraged to look into specific documents that are required and deadlines.  Students must also request transcripts or references at least four weeks before their deadlines.

Présentation orientation 2021

Grading Scale Euro Schools
School Profile 2022-2023
Permission Form to Represent XXXX to Colleges and Universities 2023
Transcript request 2023

Auteur / autrice