École Internationale PACA Manosque

UK Application Procedure

Most applications to UK universities are made through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions service) website: www.ucas.com


  1. Research the courses and universities on the UCAS website: https://digital.ucas.com/search
  2. Use the filters to narrow down the course, the country, the region or the university.
  3. Click to open the pages you would like to read.  You will find general information about the course, fees and entry information.
  4. If you cannot find the European Bac or the OIB in the list of entry requirements, use these conversion tables to help you.

A Level – European Bac Grade comparison
A Level-OIB Grade comparisons

Please remember to be realistic with your choices of universities and courses.  The top ranked ones are very difficult to get places in and are not necessarily the right match for you.  You should always consider having a back up option – a choice with a slightly lower entry requirement.
If you are unsure which universities are right for you, you could look at this website where current students give their opinions on a number of criteria:


When you have made your choices, you will need to fill in the online application form:


1. Register for a UCAS account and enter the Buzzword to link your application to EIPACA:

BUZZWORD 2021: Inspiration
BUZZWORD 2022: Positivity

2. Complete the different sections:

Personal details: Name, address, email, fee status, residency, etc

Education: Enter all of your secondary schools and all of the qualifications you have or will take at them.
For the European Bac, enter each module according to the assessment method, eg Language 1 English Written, Language 1 English oral, Language 1 English continuous, etc.

Choices: You may choose up to 5 choices of course and/or university with the exception of Medicine where the total must be 4 plus one other course.

Employment: Enter details of any paid employment.

Write a personal statement: This must be original (the best ones are!).  This is your chance to sell yourself! If you look at other personal statements or find examples on the internet, do not be tempted to copy any part of them.

Reference letter from school: The school counselor will write one reference and include your predicted grades.  This reference is written in conjunction with the teachers and these references take time to write.  This is why we ask you to request a reference at least four weeks before the deadline.  To help us to write the best reference we can for you, we also ask the student and parents to complete an online questionnaire.

3. Check your application, pay and send.

For 2021, the application fee is £20 for a single choice, or £26 for more than one choice.
When you send the application, it is sent to the school counselor for verification.  If we spot any errors, we will send the application back to you.  When your application is complete, we will send it off to UCAS and you will receive a welcom email from UCAS.

4. Track your UCAS Application:  Log in to UCAS Track to see updates to your application.


5. Decisions from Universities

Each university and college will make their decisions at different times.  However, there are deadlines by which they will need to have decided:

20 May 2021 – if you sent your application by 29 January 2021.

13 July 2021 – if you sent your application by 30 June 2021.

20 October 2021 – this is the final deadline for unis to make decisions on applications to courses starting in 2021.

If a university you’ve applied to doesn’t make a decision by the appropriate deadline, that choice will be automatically made unsuccessful.

The types of offer a university can make are:

  • A conditional offer means you still need to meet the requirements – usually exam  results.
  • An unconditional offer means you’ve got a place, although there might still be a few things to arrange.
  • An unsuccessful or withdrawn choice removes that option, but you could add more.

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