École Internationale PACA Manosque

Learning Support

Educational Support Coordinator: Mrs Veronica Pinches

Differentiation forms the basis of all good and effective teaching. Differentiation is the responsibility of every teacher working in the school and should take place in the classroom; it is designed to meet the needs of all students. Teachers use a variety of teaching styles in their lessons in order to meet the needs of individual pupils. Where differentiation in the classroom is not  sufficient the school provides a range of support structures. Support is flexible and varies as pupils develop and their needs change. EIPACA has a dedicated Support Team consisting of specialists in both educational and social emotional development. Together with the teaching staff they strive to meet the more specific needs of students.

  • For example:
    • students studying in a language section which does not correspond to their mother tongue.
    • students arriving late in the system who may have followed a different programme of study and may therefore have gaps in their knowledge or skills.
    • students with a mild learning difficulty.
    • students with a diagnosed special educational need.
    • gifted and talented students

In some cases it is necessary to provide additional support, above and beyond the normal  classroom differentiation.
The support policy at The European School Manosque follows the European Schools’ regulations and the French legislation concerning inclusive education.
European Schools Educational Support Policy

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