École Internationale PACA Manosque

Welcome to our new website !

Since its opening in September 2007, our school has been educating almost all the children from ITER families as well as many local pupils of European and non-European nationalities in a bilingual teaching programme.
The teaching system, from Kindergarten to the Baccalaureate, currently offers 6 language sections (English, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese) in which teaching is provided equally for 50% in French and 50% in the section language. A wide range of modern languages is offered throughout the schooling (French as a Foreign Language, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Hindi and Korean).
From secondary school level, English-speaking students can choose to follow a European English-speaking education where more than 80% of the courses are taught in English.

The PACA International School news


S1 haikus article

S1 haikus article

S1 students wrote haikus and illustrated them on the theme of their favourite celebration or...

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Atelier de poésie

Atelier de poésie

Les élèves de 6eme1 de la section espagnole ont travaillé sur les différents types de poésie. Nous...

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