École Internationale PACA Manosque

The “parcours citoyen”



The Maison des lycéens or MDL is an association that brings together students wishing to engage in civic actions and take responsibilities in the cultural, artistic, sporting and humanitarian fields.

The Maison des lycéens is a place of autonomy, creativity and learning about responsibility available to high school students outside of school time.

They can invest in it freely to develop skills and competences within the framework of peri-educational activities complementary to those acquired under the common base.

The Maison des lycéens obeys the common law regime of associations defined by the law of July 1, 1901 relating to the association contract. In addition, the guiding principles set out in Article R. 511-9 of the Education Code, including, in particular, those of political and religious neutrality are fully applicable to them.

Its management (presidency, secretariat, and treasury) is the responsibility of high school students.

All students can join the association by right.

The Maison des lycéens works in close collaboration with the students council (CVL- conseil de la vie lycéenne).

Students ensure, in their own interest, that there is not excessive accumulation of functions within these two structures.