Welcome to our school

Laure Béjannin, Director of the PACA International School in Manosque in the Alpes de Haute Provence, presents EIPACA, its training courses and its philosophy.

The International School is a public school, which from Nursery school to High school, welcomes almost all the children of the ITER programme’s collaborators. In addition to these are children from French or international families, looking for a system that allows two cultures to be taught.


The International School of Manosque offers a high level of academic training in a bilingual system that guarantees students a mastery, both written and oral, of French and another foreign language, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese or Japanese. In addition to this, the study of a third or even fourth language is also offered.


But the School is also a place for growth and personal development. Through educational projects, sport, arts and drama, the young people who enter the school are open to cultural diversity and find their own identity. Numerous outings to meet artists, professionals or scientists, as well as school trips oriented towards themes related to their curriculum, allow them to discover their region, Europe or the world.


We are committed to leaving no student by the wayside. The small class sizes and the excellence of the teachers, both native and French, give everyone a chance to thrive and to be accepted within their own particular personality.

Finally, we are committed to upholding the values of the French Republic and promoting civic awareness by engaging young people in activities where their generosity and creativity can be expressed.


Welcome to the website of the International School Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Here you will find all the information you need on the pedagogy, the admissions system and the services offered by the School.

Laure Béjannin, Director

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