The recycled paper project

by | Apr 9, 2024

From September to December, eco-delegates from S7 organised a recycled paper project
with S1 pupils, with the assistance of biology teacher, Mr. Scasso.
We have chosen to organise an interactive project where students gain a better
understanding of environmental issues, like deforestation and recycling challenges, which
deserve more attention in society. Our goal is to raise the students’ awareness and use this
opportunity to promote an ecological spirit to the whole school.
Every week, we dedicated one lesson together to produce handmade recycled paper. To do
this, we used waste paper from the teachers’ office. With the students’ creativity, we created
our cards with drawings about our environment.
In the first few weeks, we cut papers into smaller pieces, soaked them in water, and
produced a paper slush.
Afterwards, we spread the slush on old mosquito nets to drain out the water. The papers
were then left to dry for a week.
Finally, the students decorated the dried paper cards themselves, each choosing their
favourite slogan, icon, or image that is representative of the themes of environmental
protection, recycling, and climate change. The cards were then hung in the school library for
an exposition.
We are glad that the student enjoyed this experience, both practical and sparkled with some
knowledge. We hope that more similar projects can be organised in the future, to make our
school a more environmentally-friendly place. We are very grateful for the students’ effort
and a special thank you to Mr. Scasso for his time and generous support.
Ye-In KIM et Bowen ZENG (eco-delegates of S7)

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