The “vie scolaire” : school life service

The “Vie Scolaire” service is a place of welcome and communication that links students, parents, the teaching team and the management.



The concept of ‘vie scolaire’ is typically French. Vie scolaire is the link between students, parents, the teaching team and management.

Its members, the Education Assistants, work under the authority of and in collaboration with the Education Advisor

Their main tasks are:

  • Ensure the supervision and security of the pupils and the premises,
  • Ensure compliance with the School Rules,
  • Report any incidents to the parents after the intervention in order to calm the situation
  • Management and follow-up of absences and communication with the CPE on delicate situations
  • Collecting and disseminating information to the classes
  • Carry out the administrative tasks entrusted to them
  • Help with personal work, homework, in correlation with their personal skills
  • Supervision of student movements, boarding school, school restaurant
  • Monitoring of the study hours
  • Educational supervision and listening to middle school and high school students

The Missions of the Education advisor :

The CPE, placed under the authority of the head teacher, is responsible for the organisation and running of the “Vie scolaire” team. In this capacity, he/she defines and coordinates the services and tasks of the various staff under his/her authority:

  • supervision and organisation of the activities of the team of educational assistants,
  • ensure the safety of the students,
  • monitor student absenteeism,
  • relationship with families,
  • animation of the life of the establishment,
  • setting up living, study and working conditions for pupils,

Within the teaching team, the CPE :

collaborates with the teaching staff,

participates in class councils where he is involved in the monitoring of pupils,

participates in the monitoring and guidance of pupils,

has direct relations and contacts with pupils on a collective level (class or group) and on an individual level (behaviour, work, personal problems, etc.),

has a real perception of the daily life of the pupils and their difficulties,

promotes the integration of students.


It is a facilitator who contributes and promotes :

– the development of socio-educational animation by contributing to the elaboration of educational and socio-cultural projects,

– support for pupils in learning citizenship,

– assistance in the process of consultation and participation of pupils in representative bodies.


Who are we?

At EIPACA, in 2020-2021, the “Vie Scolaire” team is composed of six education assistants and a senior education advisor. Two educational assistants work part-time and four educational assistants work full-time. The educational assistants work during the day, but also in the evening and at night in the boarding school, where they ensure that everything runs smoothly. The Senior Education Counsellor also works full time and monitors the pupils in the collège, lycée and boarding schools, both at the European School and in the international curriculum.


Senior Education Counsellor (CPE): Emma FAYET

Education assistants :

Laura GOB
Pauline METTE



The school life project

Click on the slate to discover the EIPACA school life project.



How can you contact us ?

Education Assistants & “vie scolaire” office :
tel : 04 92 74 23 11

Senior Education Counsellor :

Auteur / autrice