EIPACA prerio project

by | Jun 22, 2023 | News

Solstice of the hedges
For nine months now, under the aegis of Mr Scasso, the SVT teacher, students James Goldie (1ère) and Marjane Alsterlind (2nde) have been working to install a hedge behind the EIPACA (École International Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur), with more than 80 trees and shrubs of local species, melliferous and favourable to insects, which today celebrate their first summer solstice. This project would not have been possible – or rather, would not have taken root – without the help of the school’s Foyer Socio-Éducatif (FSE), chaired by Mme Marande. The planters, very pleased with the recent storms, would also like to thank the M.D.L. (Maison des Lycéens) and all its members. And the almond tree inaugurated by the Mayor a few weeks ago would like to thank Sandra Parigi, from Jardins du Mont d’Or, along with the whole team of planters.

Taking root is one thing, but in order to grow, our hedge will need the attention and help of everyone, from nursery to secondary school, so that it can soon celebrate its second summer solstice, thanks to you…

Students, parents, EIPACA staff, don’t hesitate to contact the eco-delegates to get involved in this eco-project.

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